Peggy Doviak

Peggy Doviak

Peggy Doviak

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Counting Down--ONE!

Why does every culture celebrate New Year's? I think it's because we all want a chance to start over again. Even when we don't keep New Year's resolutions, it's good for us to remind ourselves of what we should be doing. The trick is to set resolutions that are realistic. You're not going to lose 20 pounds by spring break. Admit it now. You're also not going to go from not funding a retirement plan to maxing the contributions. So don't even go there. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to begin to save, to turn over a new leaf. Three pounds by spring break would be great!
Be prosperous!
Peggy Doviak

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Counting Down--TWO!

Only two days left in the decade. That doesn't seem possible! I'm using these last two days to clean up as many loose ends as I can before the New Year begins. Why not try making sure your bills are organized and pay at least the minimum on anything due, so you don't start the New Year with late fees!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Counting Down--THREE!

As I will explain later, budgets are like diets, and they fail for the same reasons. If you also have weight loss as a goal for the new year, try applying some of the budgeting tips to your dieting process. I think you will have a nice surprise!
Be prosperous!
Peggy Doviak

Monday, December 28, 2009

Counting Down--FOUR!

Four days until we begin to take control of our financial lives! In the meantime, remember that you can offset any realized capital gains with realized capital losses. Realized capital gains include dividends and interest. You can also take an additional $3,000 a year on losses that exceed your gains. Any additional losses must be carried forward to the next year. If you want to take advantage of this, complete the trade by the end of the year.

Be prosperous!
Peggy Doviak

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Counting Down--FIVE!

In just five days, I am going to begin a journey, and I hope you will join me. 2010 is the year to take control of our financial futures. I am going to spend the year talking about different areas of concern in personal finance, everything from debt reduction to choosing a good financial advisor. I am excited about doing this for reasons I will explain as soon as it's 2010.
Be prosperous!
Peggy Doviak