Yesterday, I gave you a task to write down everything you spend for a month. Today is your second day of that task, and I'd like to offer some suggestions on how to keep track of what you do.
1) If you have a "smart" phone, make a note to yourself.
2) After you finish shopping, call yourself and leave what you spent as a voice message.
3) Buy a little notebook, and carry it in your purse or pocket. That way, it's always with you.
Most people have trouble with this exercise when they are busy and make purchases early in the day. By dinner, that stop at Starbucks is a distant memory!
Be prosperous!
Peggy, this is Rebecca. Those are great ideas! I track my finances with a small notebook and know that is hard for others to do, but I could never think of ways to make it easier for other people. The note and voicemail (or text!) are great! I think they'll work.