Peggy Doviak

Peggy Doviak

Peggy Doviak

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Help Me Make This Better!

I'm one quarter finished with the 2010 blog, and I have been excited with the feedback I get from readers on Facebook, Twitter, and the blog, itself. However, I really want this blog to help you meet your financial goals and dreams for the "sort of" New Year! Please respond to any post you find helpful, and also let me know if I need to provide more information about a subject. Tell me if I left anything out, or if I didn't explain the background enough.

I have discovered that five blogs a week are more than I can keep manage! The goal for the rest of the year will be 2-3 per week. Should something propel me to national acclaim, maybe I can write more, and my staff can pick up the extra work!! Until that happens, two - three times a week keeps me busy.

Thanks for all your support, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Be prosperous!

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